author interviews

How Do Authors Deal with Rejection?

In the world of writing, rejection is an inevitable part of the creative process. Authors pour their heart and soul into their work, only to face the disappointment of rejection letters or failed submissions. Understanding how authors cope with rejection and the strategies they employ to overcome it can provide valuable insights for aspiring writers.

How Do Authors Deal With Rejection?

Understanding Rejection

Types Of Rejection

  • Editorial Rejection: When a publisher or editor declines to publish a manuscript due to various reasons, such as subjective preferences, market trends, or editorial decisions.
  • Agent Rejection: Literary agents may reject a manuscript if they believe it lacks commercial potential or does not align with their client list.
  • Contest Rejection: Authors may face rejection in writing contests or awards, where their work is not selected for recognition.

Reasons For Rejection

  • Subjective Preferences: Editors and readers have unique tastes and preferences, and a manuscript may not resonate with their personal style or interests.
  • Market Trends: Publishers consider market trends and reader demands when making decisions, and a manuscript may not fit the current popular genres or themes.
  • Editorial Decisions: Editors may reject a manuscript due to structural issues, grammatical errors, or a lack of clarity and coherence.

Separating Rejection From Personal Worth

It is crucial for authors to separate the rejection of their work from the rejection of themselves as individuals. Rejection is a reflection of the work's suitability for a particular publisher or market, not a judgment of the author's worth or talent.

Coping With Rejection

Practical Strategies

  • Seek Support: Authors can find solace and encouragement from peers, mentors, and writing communities. Sharing experiences and receiving feedback can help authors process rejection and gain a fresh perspective.
  • Self-Care: Authors should prioritize self-care during challenging times. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature, can help manage stress and maintain a healthy mindset.
  • Maintain Perspective: It is important for authors to remember that rejection is a common experience and does not define their abilities or potential. Focusing on the positive aspects of the writing journey and celebrating small achievements can help maintain motivation.

Overcoming Rejection

Resilience And Persistence

Successful authors often possess resilience and persistence in the face of rejection. They understand that rejection is a temporary setback and continue to work on their craft, improving their skills and seeking opportunities for publication.

Inspirational Stories

Many renowned authors have faced numerous rejections before achieving success. Sharing their stories can inspire aspiring writers to persevere and never give up on their dreams.

Learning From Rejection

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Authors can use rejection as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Analyzing feedback and constructive criticism can help them identify areas where their work can be strengthened, leading to better writing in the future.

Seeking Feedback And Improving

Constructive Feedback

Authors should actively seek constructive feedback from editors, readers, and peers. Feedback can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a manuscript, helping authors refine their work and increase its chances of acceptance.

Positive Approach To Feedback

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Authors should approach feedback with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Constructive criticism should be seen as an opportunity to improve, rather than a personal attack.

Alternative Paths To Publication


With the rise of self-publishing platforms, authors have more control over the publishing process and can bypass traditional publishers. Self-publishing allows authors to retain creative freedom and reach a wider audience.

Research And Platform Selection

Authors considering self-publishing should thoroughly research different platforms and choose the one that best suits their needs and goals. Factors to consider include distribution options, marketing support, and editorial services.

Rejection is an inherent part of the writing journey, and authors must learn to cope with it effectively. By seeking support, maintaining a healthy perspective, and using rejection as an opportunity for growth, authors can overcome the challenges of rejection and achieve success in their writing careers.

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